Tuesday, March 29, 2022 (08:30 - 09:45) GMT+1
Background of the event
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat has published Indonesia's Low-Emission Development Strategy (LEDS), according to which the country's emissions are expected to peak in 2030, reaching 540 million ton of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2050, with the land use and forestry sector becoming net sink.
The LEDS plays a key and central role in aligning the climate goals and targets with national, sub-national, and international objectives, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It underscores the role of international partnership through trade and investment, research, technology cooperation, finance flows, and capacity development. Specifically, the Strategy identifies global partnership for fair trade and green investments as "one of the key drivers for the achievement of the Paris Agreement's goal."
Connected Places Catapult is collaborating with the British Embassy in Indonesia and the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS) network under a UK government-funded project in five provinces: DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Bali. The aim of the collaboration is to produce a framework and report identifying emissions reduction progress made to date and potential challenges in these regions, as well as opportunities for UK and Indonesian innovative solution providers to address them to help meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. This framework will be used to analyse and assess Indonesian provinces' progress on meeting emissions targets and how these regions can improve their performance.
Key objectives
Following on from the UK-hosted COP 26, this project will provide an evidence base linking carbon emissions reduction performance of Indonesian regions with smart-and innovation-based interventions that can be delivered in partnership with the UK. It will also help create a wider understanding in Indonesia about the positive aspects of engaging with the emissions reduction (Net Zero) agenda, and how it is linked to many key economic goals of national and local governments in the country. The recommendations of the report aim to lay an evidence base for future collaboration between the UK and Indonesia to improve regional Net Zero performance while supporting the wider socio-economic goals of the country.
The final report will be made available in both English and Bahasa Indonesian following this virtual report launch to disseminate research findings and recommendations to decision makers and industry stakeholders and foster future UK-Indonesian collaborations.
PM Trade Envoy to the ASEAN EC, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
Global Export and Investment Specialist at Connected Places Catapult
Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources at BAPPENAS
Global Lead at Connected Places Catapult
Senior BD Manager for Asia - Regions, Cities & Solutions at BP City Solutions
President Director of DAMRI
Director of UKICIS