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Tuesday, March 29, 2022 (08:30 - 09:45) GMT+1

Richard Graham MP (PM Trade Envoy to the ASEAN EC, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines)

Richard Graham MP

PM Trade Envoy to the ASEAN EC, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines

Richard Graham is MP for Gloucester, and the Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to the ASEAN EC, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Richard is Chairman of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and a member of the Joint Committee for National Security Strategy. He also chairs the All Party Parliamentary Groups for Indonesia, China and Marine Energy and is an elected member of the board of the Conservative Party.

Richard was previously an airline manager, a diplomat and an investment manager. He has worked in ten countries, speaks eight languages and is founder Chairman of the Gloucester History Trust which runs the Gloucester History Festival.

Alison Young (Global Export and Investment Specialist at Connected Places Catapult)

Alison Young

Global Export and Investment Specialist at Connected Places Catapult

Alison is focused on FDI into the UK around Smart Cities and mobility. Her role advises companies looking at investing in Innovation in the UK.

She has spent the last six years living and working in the Middle East, with the Department for International Trade as a trade and investment advisor. Based first in Muscat, Oman, where she spent four years leading on a number of sectors, from Education to Infrastructure, followed by two and a half years in the UAE, based in Dubai, setting up the Technology and Smart Cities sector for DIT, with a core focus on AI and Fintech.

She has lived and worked in over six different countries and has a degree in Russian Studies from the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Ir. Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc (Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources at BAPPENAS)

Dr. Ir. Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc

Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources at BAPPENAS

Arifin Rudiyanto is currently a Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources Affairs at Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) of Republic of Indonesia, having been appointed to that role by the Minister in 2017.

He is also charge as a Chair of Implementing Committee in National Coordination Team of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia. He was previously mandated as a Deputy Minister for Regional Development from 2016.

Arifin is one of Indonesia’s experts in maritime Affairs and Natural Resources Management. He received a Bachelor Degree in Agriculture from Bogor Agriculture University (Institut Pertanian Bogor) in 1984, Master Degree in Tropical Coastal Management from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne at the United Kingdom in 1993, and Doctoral Degree in Maritime Policy from University of Wollongong in 2002.

He was born in Yogyakarta on 12 October 1961.

Roxana Slavcheva (Global Lead at Connected Places Catapult)

Roxana Slavcheva

Global Lead at Connected Places Catapult

Roxana Slavcheva is Global Lead at Connected Places Catapult, where she leads the internalisation of the UK experience and expertise in the advanced urban services sectors to connect businesses and public sector leaders to cutting-edge research to spark innovation and grow new markets abroad. She was previously Head of the Cities Practice at the Economist Intelligence Unit and a researcher at LSE Cities.

Rob Cooper (Senior BD Manager for Asia - Regions, Cities & Solutions at BP City Solutions)

Rob Cooper

Senior BD Manager for Asia - Regions, Cities & Solutions at BP City Solutions

Rob leads the business development team for Asia as part of bp’s Regions, Cities & Solutions (RC&S) team and based in Singapore.
Prior to this role, Rob has worked for bp for over 8 years with roles across upstream commercial, business development, portfolio and strategy. During 2020, Rob led the design and stand-up of the RC&S team as part of bp’s ‘reinvent’ process to restructure the organisation in line with its revised strategy to become an integrated energy company.
Prior to bp, Rob worked in strategy consulting in the energy sector for Accenture in London and prior to that in subsurface at Engie.

Mrs. Setia N Milatia Moemin (President Director of DAMRI)

Mrs. Setia N Milatia Moemin

President Director of DAMRI

Milatia, more than 30 years engaged in Transportation, Management and Finance in international institutions as well as national.
During her career, she received various awards in management, including several times as The Best CEO.

Education Background:
-Doctor - Service Management, Trisakti University Indonesia
-MBA - Strategic Management Azusa Pacific University, California
-Ir - Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia

Director of the newly-established Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership (IDTP). IDTP provides a platform for research and knowledge exchange with the Indonesian government, higher education institutions, and industries. IDTP was established in partnership with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI).

Dr Muljadi is also Coordinator of the UKICIS - the consortium brings together UK diaspora-host and Indonesian universities’ leading research and expertise and links researchers working across interdisciplinary boundaries to tackle greatest societal challenges facing both the UK and Indonesia, and expedites knowledge and technology transfer between the two countries.

Recent research focuses on includes publications on rarefied quantum gas dynamics, multiscale method developments, direct pore-scale simulations and reactive transport modelling.
